Utah-based band Poolhouse has released the final song on their newest E.P. titled Tape Machine and it is showing promise for works to come by the group of young musicians, specifically in the world of indie pop. The band, holding a similar sound to artists such as Briston Maroney, The Thing With Feathers, and Peach Pit, shows great potential as a future music force in the industry despite only having released two EPs and a handful of singles.

The newest song in specific, Think About Me, is the fifth track on Tape Machine and it is the perfect piece to wrap up such a collection of music. The four predecessors to Think About Me possess a vibe that can only be described as summertime; it’s electric, it’s fun, and it’s catchy. While Think About Me still holds this energy, it kicks it into second gear.

The song itself starts out with a sick beat courtesy of the drumkit that is followed by the joining of the holy triad: rhythm guitar, lead guitar, and of course; the bass. Speaking instrumentally, this song showcases the powerhouse that is Poolhouse through each instrument whether it’s the groove of the kit or the bassline you can feel in your bones. What really drives it home, though, is the absolutely killer guitar solo in the last minute and a half of the song. It’s sure to make listeners roll their eyes back at the mere sound of guitarist Jonny Steed’s Stratocaster.

From a writing standpoint, these guys do not fall short either. The lyrics, which are yet to be officially released, do a great job of instilling an emotion of angst and longing while also remaining upbeat; not an exactly easy thing to do. Though the lyrics have been left up to listener interpretation, there are clear themes of pining from the singer’s point of view. The vocals themselves from Jake Buckner also help convey this intense emotion of yearning. It doesn’t seem that Poolhouse will be slowing down any time soon, as the band is already in the process of producing a new string of songs along with a few upcoming shows in varied Utah cities such as Logan, Salt Lake City, and many more.

It is with great hope that the band will grow and be able to venture outside of Utah to spread the fantastic music they’ve created elsewhere.

You can stream the band’s new E.P. along with other releases here and check out their Instagram here.
