Recently I had the pleasure of being able to dive into Rlyblonde’s mind for a little bit and ask her some interesting questions. Releasing her first single ‘Fantasy’ on Valentine’s Day of this year she has made her way into the music industry quickly releasing 3 more singles and a new EP since then. Rlyblonde has a modern rock sound similar to the sound you hear from Paramore and The Pretty Reckless. Releasing her new song ‘Your Angel’ I was excited to hear from her. 

Q- Who is your biggest inspiration?

A- Liz Phair!! I just saw her live this week and I cried maybe 5 times. It’s amazing to see such an influential woman in music still have such a thriving career in her 50s. I came to her late just a few years ago but diving into her music catalog truly unlocked something within me. The way she articulates her emotions just feels so unique and raw to me. I also love how she managed to seamlessly float through different genres throughout her career. Some people say she sold out but her pop albums are some of my favorite songs ever. 

Q- Do you have any pre-show rituals?

A- I probably should get better about actually warming up my voice but I’m usually having a drink and taking photos in the green room. You know I’m all about the photos.. I've always gotta document THE LOOK!

Q- If you could play any venue in the world, what would it be/what is your dream venue?

A- I honestly love the Bowery Ballroom in New York City. It's just one of my favorite venues and, in my opinion, the ideal venue size. Not too big, not too small. It feels intimate but has the formality of a proper venue, plus the lighting always looks amazing. Maybe someday my goals will be bigger, but right now I think that performing at Bowery Ballroom would be really cool! 

Q- What has been your biggest career highlight thus far?

A- It’s hard to think about considering most of my music career has existed - at least publicly - for just a year. This whole year was a highlight, really! It was an absolute dream to just release my first song ‘Fantasy’, produce my own music video for it, and celebrate it with my first show ever at Heaven Can Wait in NYC.

Q- What is the best advice you’ve received in your career?

A- It’s less of one lesson or word of advice and more so years of advice around boundaries and professional boundaries. Working not only as a musician but also as a photographer and freelancer, you have to really carve out what you are willing to do and what you aren’t willing to do, what is the best way you use your energy, and how to best communicate all of that. Years of learning and sharpening my own boundaries has helped me enter into the music world with more context, and more of a clear goal of what I’m doing here. 

Q-  What in your opinion is the perfect song (can be by any artist)?

A- Impossible question, but ‘Daddy’s Car’ by Sir Chloe

Q- What do you think makes your music unique?

A- Every artist of course hopes they bring something new to the table… in no way do I think my music is revolutionary, but I do try to bring a unique tone of sarcasm mixed with real emotions to my songs that paint a clear picture of who the ‘rlyblonde’ character is. I think that paired with my intense focus and hands-on approach to the visual world my music lives in makes me a unique artist in an age where short-form iPhone content seems to be taking over.

Q- What is your favorite thing about being a musician?

A- Having an outlet for my feelings, being able to create my own world, getting to live in that world as it’s happening and then reliving it again during recording, while shooting visuals, and then in person at my shows. It’s a cool way to bookmark chapters of your life. 

Q- What is your songwriting process like?

A- I usually write alone in my living room, late at night. I noodle until I find something good and make demos on GarageBand. I then bring the demos to a producer and we flesh it out from there. I’ve yet to truly “co-write” with another artist but I’m open to it! 

Q- when did you start taking making music seriously?

A- Around 2021 I really became determined to learn guitar better so that I could have a songwriting tool. I knew I wanted to make music, even if it was going to be just a hobby. It took me a lot of flop attempts at a “first song” many of which got scrapped before they even hit the studio, but finally when I wrote the ‘Fantasy’ demo, I knew I was onto something. I'd also been making visuals for other artists for years and still felt like I hadn’t really been able to express my vision in full or with the control that I wanted, so making my own music became my way to do so. I decided to go hard and run with ‘Fantasy’ as the title track of the EP in conjunction with this over the top ‘Bachelor’ satire music video that I self-directed and co-produced. The music video was not only just my grand entrance as a musician, but also a huge portfolio piece to show other artists, 'Hey-- this is what I can do for you too.’ My music and my visual/direction work go in tandem, and I’m taking music seriously as a way to invest in both

Q- where do you get inspiration for your lyrics?

A- My life…. New York City… moments when I’m out that feel cinematic or moments when I get dejavu. I take down phrases or ideas as they come to me and revisit later. It sounds so corny but I’m sure many artists can relate— sometimes it just feels like there’s a channel working through me from beyond. Like the words already exist and I’m just pulling them out of the ether. Music is so magical in that way.

Q- If you could change anything about the music industry what would it be?

A- Oh god.. don’t get me started! I think anyone can agree that starting music in 2023 is NOT the advisable choice. The industry is a mess… between streaming making zero dollars for artists to touring becoming increasingly impossible to afford. If I could change it all, I would. As a former film student and as a director, the rise in demand for short form video content versus music videos is actually soul crushing. I know there are people out there that still value art for art’s sake, but it’s hard to find the budget anymore or support for larger video projects. I don’t know the answer to all these issues but I came into this with a specific goal to make the art I wanted to make and I’m going to try my best to keep doing that, regardless of the industry’s current state. 

Q- What’s next for you?

A- I'll be releasing another single, ‘Girl in Your Story’ on December 15th. The single will also be released with a music video. It's a song that I'm really proud of. Behind the scenes, I'm working on new music with a slightly new sound. It will be a new chapter, and I’m very excited about what's to come!

Q- What advice do you have for people trying to get into the music industry?

A- Show up places, be nosy, reach out to people, and build your own community. Learn how to do as much for yourself as you can. Find a way to make money that isn’t music, for now. Do it because you want to, because you have to for your soul. I also think it's important to have other creative hobbies outside of your career.

In conclusion, Rlyblonde has a raw and exciting talent that would guarantee to impress you. If you want to check out Rlyblonde’s recently released single ‘Your Angel’ and are interested in her upcoming single ‘Girl In Your Story’ Check her out on all streaming platforms.


Pierce the Veil - Live in Des Moines
