Alex Warren - Burning Down
Alex Warren is a singer-songwriter based in California who has taken the social media scene by storm, especially Tiktok. Lately he has taken the app by storm with both his mesmerizing music and powerful lyrics but also his comedic side as well. He posts various kinds of videos; the fan favorite usually being his goofy videos with his wife, Kouvr. It shows his personality well and how he just seems to always have fun. This is admirable, though, considering the difficult moments from his past he has shown his audience. From both of his parents passing away, to being homeless and living from his car for a short time, to his time in the well-known "Hype House".
Photo by Hunter Moreno
The latter subject is brought to the forefront with his most recent single, "Burning Down". Alex was a co-founder and was a very prominent member of this tiktok group as they soared to popularity a few years back. From the outside this seemed like a fun, outgoing, energetic, goal-driven group of young adults who were just striving to reach their goals; yet as most groups who soar on the internet, there was much more to it behind the scenes. He used this song to express his feelings about the situation and what it was like for him; Not many members have been able to speak out on the situation but slowly, with Alex being the first, new information has started to come out.
This song is very monumental in the fact that he wasn't afraid to tell the truth, despite what it could mean for his career. On the other hand, it's good for this stuff to be put into the light, as i feel there has been such a stigma around internet groups such as The Hype House or Team10; they are put on such a pedestal that unrealistic standards are placed upon them, which often i feel like is what causes them to inevitably crumble. It starts as younger adults combining efforts to reach their dreams yet quickly fades into a darker side as money and popularity grows.
The upbeat tones of this song give a very EDM vibe to it, keeping the energy high and vibrant throughout the whole thing. The beginning starts with mostly just vocals with a slight instrumental yet the dynamic quickly builds into a full track; combining the dynamics with the power behind the lyrics makes this a song that is hard to forget. The lyrics are both catchy and powerful, having an easy repetition that allows the listener to feel the impact easily while still being able to fully understand the message he is trying to get across.
A couple lines in particular stick out to me:
"I guess you'll never know, someone you think you know. Can't see the knife when you're too close"
"It scars forever when someone you called a friend, shows you the truth can be so cold"
These two lines are the most powerful to me, and establish a strong start to the song, both of them coming from the first verse; Going back to the topic of The Hype House, it seems as though he is using this outlet to explain what that was like for him. As i said, these groups usually start as fun projects, and typically the members are friends (in some cases). As money and power start to grow, so does the corruption within it. To me, these two lines are setting the story in a clear way; what started as a pure friendship, ended in feelings of betrayal, and lies. In turn, this makes the song very relatable as i'm sure most people have experienced a situation of having someone they trusted turn against them. It is unfortunately a pain that isn't too unfamiliar to most people.
Yet the chorus is when it truly hits a powerful point:
"You led your saints and sinners, and fed them lies for dinner. You knew the house was burning down."
Like I mentioned before, a feeling like this isn't unfamiliar for most yet hearing this line gave me an almost gut-wrenching feeling; to imagine someone close to me, feeding lies to others just to help themselves. The absolute feeling of devastation, disappointment, and even bitterness that would arise from a situation like that. This song truly embodies many emotions and I respect how it is so honest and open with a situation that was as public as that.
Outside of this song, though, Alex Warren is an absolutely outstanding singer-songwriter and has definitely risen to the top of my list. This is just one part of his 10 song project that he recently released, "You'll Be Alright, Kid (Chapter 1). Each song is so uniquely written, and tells its own story; from heartbreak and love, to self encouragement, and more. It is rare to find artists who are truly so passionate about what they release but he is one of the most hardworking. I highly recommend listening to the full album and also checking out his Tiktok account for future endeavors!