In the bustling landscape of independent music, John Ryan Kaiser, known professionally as Yot Club, emerges as a captivating force, blending eclectic elements into a unique sound. With a penchant for crafting melodies that feel both familiar and refreshingly unique, Kaiser has garnered attention for his distinctive musical style and introspective lyricism.

In this exclusive interview, we got to discover more about Yot Club and his musical journey, creative process, and upcoming sophomore album, "Rufus."

Kaiser traces his musical roots back to his teenage years, where he began creating and sharing music online. What started as a hobby soon evolved into a passion project driven by an innate desire for self-expression. "I've always made songs and put them on the internet since I was like 16 or so," Kaiser shares. "It's just fun and one of the few things that feels like it comes naturally."

Kaiser has a very unique way of describing the sound of Yot Club. "It's soupy, everything is kinda blended together," he explains. This blending of elements results in a sonic experience that defies easy categorization, inviting listeners into a world where genres meld seamlessly into one another.

Reflecting on his journey as a musician, Kaiser emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself. "Make whatever you want to hear, make something you would listen to personally," he advises. This commitment to authenticity has not only shaped Yot Club's artistic identity but has also resonated with fans drawn to his genuine approach to music.

While discussing his upcoming album, "Rufus," Kaiser reveals a shift towards a more collaborative approach. While still maintaining his signature home recording setup, he worked with a diverse array of writers and producers to bring the vision to life. "I like doing stuff on my own but I’ve also gotten some great opportunities to work with people I really look up to," he explains. “I learned a lot working with Patrick [Wimberly], Tommy English, Charli Adams, and Harrison Lipton who all helped out on the album.”

Outside of the studio, Kaiser finds joy in culinary pursuits, citing cooking as a favorite hobby. "I cook a lot...I just like eating in general," he admits. Kaiser also mentions his quirky hobby of logging and ranking everywhere he eats. Aside from his love for food, Kaiser also enjoys outdoor activities like mountain biking and skating, but confesses these have taken a backseat since moving to New York.

As the release date for "Rufus" approaches, Kaiser expresses enthusiasm for fans to hear the new tracks. "I was aiming for each song to feel like a single. I’m excited for all of them," he shares. With each track promising a unique experience, anticipation builds for the album's release.

For aspiring musicians, Kaiser offers words of encouragement. "There’s a lot of talented people who are scared to put their music out there," he notes. Emphasizing the importance of taking risks and embracing imperfections, he reminds artists that their unique voice deserves to be heard.

It's evident that Yot Club’s musical journey is one fueled by passion, creativity, and a commitment to authenticity. With "Rufus" on the horizon, listeners can expect to embark on a captivating sonic adventure unlike any other.


