“Steady Freddy” was released early March 2024 by Thunder Jackson. Thunder Jackson is an alternative artist who is currently making a name for himself within the music industry.
His most recent single starts off with a very groovy introduction, leading into beautiful smooth vocals. The richness behind Jackson’s vocals definitely cater to the song’s message. Listening to the song is like listening to a “getting ready” playlist. It provides all of the feelings that one might be looking for.
It has a simple groove that is easy to dance along with, along with those catchy lyrics, and a danceability that not every song can provide. This is Thunder Jackson‘s first release in the year of 2024. If this is any sign of what might be to come for the artist, then we as listeners are sure in for an adventure. This song is very inspirational lyrically, when artists release songs that are supposed to be empowering messages and self-love songs, sometimes they can fall short and even have that cheesy kind of feel to them. This song carries none of those qualities.
“Let them say that you’re no one. Let them pull you apart. Let them say what they’ll say. But you’re somebody somewhere” is a repeated lyric throughout this song, and carries the strong message that people can treat you how you want, but you still matter, even if it does not feel like it.
While the song does have very new elements that almost hint at the electronic genre, they’re also so many elements of this song that make it sound older sounding. Listening to this song is like stepping into a time machine, and going to several decades, as there are so many parts of it that could belong in any of them. This is really interesting to witness as a listener, as it is not something a lot of people hear.
At only just a few seconds over three minutes long, Thunder Jackson is able to get across a message that someone would take 10 minutes to tell. Towards the last minute of the song, it starts to get slower and sound like more of a ballad. It is quickly picked up by the amazing rhythm section and is given more of that staccato feel. The song, then in the very way it began.
With the same instrumentals, the song fades out, with the chorus getting quieter. This would be a really good song for an album as it could lead into another song. With Thunder Jackson telling a story in this song, one can only hope to hear more.
We are getting into a time with music, where smaller artists definitely need more appreciation. We are in the age of AI which allows a lot of non-authentic work to come out. But Thunder Jackson definitely plays no part in that! “Steady Freddy” oozes with the coolness and authenticity that especially comes from smaller alternative artists. So if you ever need a song to listen to while you’re walking down the street and you want to feel cool, this song is the way to go!